What is the MyotonicPerformance Index?

MPI is designed to be a relative metric to compare Myotonics. It is only compiled on Myotonics who have shown five or more times, and takes into account much more information than just Grand Champion wins versus show appearances, as in the Individual Ratio. It is calculated by:

  1. Compile awards won (where there were three or more exhibits of the same gender in the entire show), and apply points:
    • National Champion Win: 6 Points
    • Regional Champion Win: 6 Points
    • Best in Show Win: 5 Points
    • Grand Champion Win: 4 Points
    • Champion Win: 3 Points
    • Futurity Win: 2 Points
    • Reserve (of any type) Win: 1 Point
  2. Take all classes where Myotonic was placed, and assign points based on placing. In order to recognize longevity, wins in Junior classes get half the points as wins in senior classes.
    • [Number of Myotonics in Class]/[Myotonic’s Placing]
    • For Example: a Myotonic winning 1st place in a class of 8 junior Myotonics; .5(8/1) = 4 Points.
  3. Combine all points, and divide by the number of shows a Myotonic has appeared in.
  4. Points are not calculated if a Myotonic is marked as disqualified in its class or as an award, however the show is still counted as an appearance.
  5. Points are not calculated if a Myotonic is marked as scratched in its class, and the show does not count against it.

After the process has been completed on all Myotonics, they are split by gender:

  1. The top Myotonic (of each gender) is assigned a score of 100.
  2. The average score (of each gender) is assigned a score of 50.
  3. Each score is ran through a function to assign a score based on this distribution.

This last process normalizes the values. If this was not done, the highest value would change each time the metric was ran, which could be confusing. A score above 50 is average, while a score below 50 is below average.

 Limitations of MyotonicPerformance Index

Because of a limitation of the program that runs MyotonicPerformance, points assigned for placing (#2 above) can only be given for the class shown in, not the entire division won. This skews Wether MPIs very high when awards were given by default.

Until all show are added to MyotonicPerformance, MPIs are estimations. It’s entirely likely that a Myotonic has completed its show career and hasn’t been added to the database.